Managed WordPress Hosting
The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting…
- We don’t overload our servers with too many websites so your website is quick, reliable and secure.
- We focus on website load speed to assist with more sales, higher client retention and better SERPs ranking from Google.
- We know when your website goes down before you do because we monitor uptimes so we can identify and fix potential problems.
- Your website’s security is a prime concern. When we keep your website secure it is there for your customers and it saves us work cleaning viruses.
- When you need changes to your website we are there for you with quick and efficient action and it rarely costs you any extra
- Our support team is there for you should you have questions about your website or digital marketing in general
- We keep your website WordPress version, theme and plugins up to date with the latest levels for maximum performance and security
- We take regular offsite backups to make sure we can restore your site in case of emergency
Why is There Such a Wide Range of WordPress Hosting Prices?
Most, if not all, website hosting accounts at the lower end of the price range will be shared hosting accounts. In itself there is nothing wrong with shared hosting, however, as the monthly subscription pricing gets toward the lower end of the scale then commonly more user accounts are squeezed onto each server.
Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting
Most, if not all, website hosting accounts at the lower end of the price range will be shared hosting accounts.
A shared hosting account takes a number of hosting accounts and “shares” them on a single server. As a hosting provider the higher number of hosting accounts you can fit on a single server the better your profit margin.
When you are only hosting websites and are NOT responsible for deliverables such as website speed, website reliability and website security then stuffing as many websites onto a server does not affect you too much.
In itself there is nothing wrong with shared hosting, however, as the monthly subscription pricing gets toward the lower end of the scale then you can imagine that the above practices become more common.
Dedicated Hosting accounts feature a server that is limited to a single account. In fairness this dedicated server may host a number of websites in the manner of a shared server. In reality the number of websites hosted is commonly much less.
As a company that runs a number of dedicated servers and is responsible for the management, performance, security and uptime of the sites we host we are very careful to never overload our servers. It simply does not make any sense.
NOTE: There is another type of hosting called VPS (Virtual Private Server). VPS allows multiple Dedicated Hosting accounts to run on a single server.
Control Panel Vs Managed WordPress Hosting. What is the Difference?
It is rare that web hosting companies will carry a development team who can make changes to your website when required or even have sufficient time or knowledge to know the internal workings of your WordPress site.
A few years ago there was no Managed WordPress Hosting. In fact, most web hosting companies knew very little about WordPress and when pressed with support tickets either blamed the web developer or came up with rote suggestions that had little to do with the actual problems reported.
This was understandable. The web hosting support teams were more conversant with email hosting and server operation. WordPress was not their skill set.
In recent years many companies have added Managed WordPress Hosting to their products and services. An old quote comes to mind though “many are called but few are chosen“.
It is also rare that web hosting companies will carry a development team who can make changes to your website when required or even have sufficient time or knowledge to know the internal workings of your WordPress site.
Managed WordPress Hosting – A One Stop Shop!
Our Managed WordPress Hosting is a one-stop shop.
If you have a problem you raise a support ticket and we deal with it. We take full responsibility and we fix the problem wherever possible.
If the issue has to be referred elsewhere such as to a domain registrar such as a GoDaddy or Crazy Domains then we provide you with sufficient information and support to get a resolution. In fact, we often ask to communicate directly with the third party to take the problem away from you for a quick and clean resolution.
At Oracle Digital we provide a single point of contact for all your website and digital marketing needs and questions. There is no passing the buck and our responses are quick and efficient.
Why is The Speed of Your WordPress Website Crucially Important?
The speed your website loads cannot be underestimated as a factor in whether potential site visitors will actually ever see your killer content. The majority of people simply will not wait more than 5 or 6 seconds for a website to load before clicking back to their original search and clicking through to one of your competitors.
Google knows this and is progressively rewarding faster websites with higher ranking positions. This is one race the tortoise certainly does not win!
Google Ranking Factor – Page Experience
Google wants your website to provide the best user experience (UX) to people who use their search engine.
Google cares about (and measures) how quickly your website loads, how long site visitors stay on your website and whether they click off your website after only viewing one page.
If Google cares about the experience your site visitors have then you should too!
Google considers the following factors most important;-
- Loading performance (how fast your site loads)
- Responsiveness (how your site looks on various devices)
- Visual stability
Google Core Web Vitals
Google defines its Core Web Vitals as “a set of real-world, user-centered metrics that quantify key aspects of the user experience.”
Google’s Core Web Vital metrics are as follows:
- LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)
- FID (First Input Delay)
- CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
Largest Contentful Paint is concerned with the time it takes to load the largest piece of content on your WordPress website rather than the time it takes to load the entire page. So you should be concerned about things such as big images, videos that auto-run on your site.
First Input Delay is how quickly your website allows user input when first loaded. This might be clicking a link or filling in a form field etc…
Cumulative Layout Shift is a bit more complex. It is concerned with whether elements are moving around on the screen while your site is still loading making it difficult for site visitors to interact with your website.
10 Do’s & Don’ts for Better Website Page Speed
Here are some very simple things we can deploy to make sure our website loads quickly benefitting both our site visitors and our adherence to Google’s Page Experience recommendations.
This is certainly not an extensive list as page speed enhancements is a discipline that some people devote their entire working years to.
- Server speed. If your server takes a few seconds to start loading your website then you are already well behind the eight ball. Time to sack your web host!
- Loading of too many external scripts before your website loads. Are you using external fonts, calling remote analytics programs or running plugins that pull information from a remote location. Remove what is not necessary or have it load after the page content loads.
- Loading big images (big filesizes). Perhaps the most common problem we see. Big and beautiful images may look great but if no one sees them because your website loads slowly then that is a tragedy. Optimise your images before you add them and smush them after loading and / or simply modify your design to use smaller images.
- And whilst on the topic of images please save them in the correct format. Bit mapped images such as photos should always be saved as .jpg (or .jpeg) files) NOT .png files. The .png format is for vector based images such as diagrams, shapes, graphs etc (and these can be added as .svg files for much better resolution and smaller filesizes)
- Images again. Don’t place too many images on one page. The filesizes all add up!
- Never use auto-run videos. Simply don’t do this. Videos (even 10 second ones) create large filesizes and take too much time to load.
- Don’t use cheap and complex WordPress themes or page builders. These both add unnecessary code and extend page load times.
- Use website caching wherever possible. A good web hosting provider will have excellent options here and will simplify the process over trying to configure a caching plugin yourself.
- On the subject of WordPress plugins. Use as few as possible. if they are not absolutely essential de-activate them and then delete them. This is also great for your site’s security.
- Compress and / or combine your Javascript and CSS files. This one needs an expert as the process and the consequences can make things difficult for some sites moving forward.
Intelligent Decisions Based on Research & Analysis
A Guesswork Free Zone
One thing that you can be certain of and that is that there is much information available about your online properties and the habits and preferences of your customers for those that are prepared to take the effort to do the research and to strategise based upon what the data is telling them.
We start by working with you to understand your business and your market then we apply what we have learned using a set of comprehensive digital marketing and analysis tools in order to give you a leg up on your competitors.
Reporting & Continuous Improvement
Our monthly digital marketing reporting service enables us to work together with our clients to;
- Analyse results,
- Improve performance, and to
- Identify & target new opportunities