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Landing Pages – Double Your Leads With The Same Marketing Budget!

Landing pages are any page that a site visitor “lands” on.

They may come direct to your homepage by entering your web address or via a link to an internal page or via paid marketing to a custom page or to any page via many other channels.

So a landing page could be (and commonly is) any number of pages located on your website or, sometimes, off your website.

This article deals specifically with “custom landing pages“.

These are landing pages that have been specifically developed with a prime objective and that objective is overwhelmingly to get your business more revenue.

Why Develop Custom Landing Pages

Custom Landing Pages commonly feature information that is available on other pages on your website so why go to the trouble and expense of the additional development?

In summary;-

What Makes A Custom Landing Page Deliver These Super Powers?

Custom Landing Pages are developed to a consistent formula that combines the following;-

The Anatomy Of A Custom Landing Page

To illustrate a little of the above let’s look at an example of a Custom Landing Page.

“Here’s one we prepared earlier…”

1. Phone Number – Call To Action #1

2.    Distraction Ratio – Isolating The Visitor

3.    The Importance of Your Headline Statement

 4.    Real People Imagery – Striking Emotion

5.    Connecting Product To Customer – In Simple Terms

6.    Social Proof – People Trust People

7.    Web Forms – Call To Action #2

8.    Creating A Worthy Guarantee

9.    Points Of Difference – Things That Matter

10. Displaying Location – Reinforcing Confidence

 11. The Curious Customer – When To Offer More

12. The Things You Do Not See….

A Low Cost Way To Improve The ROI From Your Marketing Investment

If done correctly Custom Landing Pages are a very low cost way to improve the ROI from your marketing spend.

By definition your website’s homepage is commonly a compromise.

If you have multiple products and services it commonly presents all or most of them or at least your product / service categories.

It introduces your company without going into too much detail (we have all seen the ubiquitous “Welcome To Our Website” headline right)?

Additionally product or service pages on most websites are quite dry and shy away from conversion techniques in order to not overwhelm site visitors with a “hard sell”.

Once again these pages are a compromise for good reasons.

A Custom Landing Page is developed for one reason and one reason alone. To convert!

The global data from Custom Landing Pages is conclusive and decisive – when done correctly they improve conversion rates and ROI.

And, after all, isn’t that what we are all trying to achieve…

So, if you are passionate about growing your business and wresting back control – contact Oracle Digital on 1300 735 715 today!
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